First and foremost, it is important to know and understand that no safety measure is 100% effective. 全国网赌正规平台不能阻止暴力行为的发生. There is no way to predict when or where, the date or time an active shooter event will occur. 全国网赌正规平台可以, 然而, mitigate our preparedness efforts in an attempt to save lives by having a better knowledge of our response options.
一个有敌意的入侵者是一个积极从事杀戮的个体, attempting to kill or inflicting serious bodily harm to people in a confined and populated area. 在大多数情况下, hostile intruders use firearm(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
敌对入侵者的情况是不可预测的,而且变化很快. 通常, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims.
Because hostile intruder situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, 在执法人员赶到现场之前, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an hostile intruder situation.
Several recent and very tragic incidents in public spaces around the country have heightened the public’s concern and awareness about what steps to take if ever confronted with a similar situation. The 全国网赌正规平台 Police Department offers the following recommendations and asks that you share them with other members of the campus community.
First, quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life and those around you. 还记得 that students and visitors are likely to follow the lead of faculty and staff during a hostile intruder situation.
第二个, 如果你发现自己陷入了恶意入侵事件, 你的生存可能取决于你是否有计划. The plan doesn’t have to be complicated and may be as simple as three things that you can do that make a difference:
注意你的环境和你每天访问的每个设施. Familiarize yourself with those emergency plans and always have an exit strategy.
Know that in an incident like this, victims are generally chosen randomly. 这些事件是不可预测的,而且往往演变得很快. 还记得, 你越快决定采取行动, the greater your chances of survival should you find yourself confronted with a hostile intruder situation.
你的行动会对你的安全和生存产生影响. 要意识到并做好准备.
和, 如果你遇到了有敌意的入侵者, there are three key things you need to remember that will help you be prepared: 运行. 隐藏. 战斗.
Law enforcement’s purpose is to stop the hostile intruder as soon as possible. Officers will proceed directly to the area in which the intruder was last seen or where the last shots were heard.
The first responding officers' priority is to make contact with the intruder and stop all aggressive behavior. 这些警察不会停下来帮助受伤的人, but instead proceed forward in an attempt to engage the intruder as quickly as possible and prevent any further harm to innocent bystanders.
Expect rescue teams comprised of additional officers and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial officers. 这些救援队将治疗和转移受伤人员. They may also call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing the wounded from the premises.
一旦你到达安全地点或集合点, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.
De-escalating techniques for dealing with angry or upset individuals:
为了让员工做好应对恶意入侵的准备, 制定紧急行动计划(EAP), 进行训练练习. 在一起, the EAP and training exercises will prepare staff members to effectively respond and help minimize loss of life.
Create the EAP with input from several stakeholders including 大学警察 and Health and Safety. 有效的EAP包括:
The most effective way to train staff to respond to a hostile intruder situation is to conduct mock hostile intruder training exercises. Northwest's 大学警察局 is an excellent resource in designing training agendas and training exercises which could include:
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